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Classy Aluminum Alloy Mouse Pad
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Classy Aluminum Alloy Mouse Pad

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  • Model


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  • Specification

    Classy sleek, rubber adhesive, smooth metal surface, high gloss smooth edge, non-slip rubber base, rectangle shape

  • Material

    Aluminum Alloy, Resin

Aluminum alloy mouse pad has a heavy grip and smooth finish which allows the user to scroll their mouse comfortably and accurately positioned on the sleek surface. The user can put it over any flat surface or desktop to make it perfect for gaming, typing and surfing experience. It is slim, classy and fashionable which is perfect for any laptop or desktop. It protects the desk from scratches caused by the mouse and it is water-proof because aluminum does not absorb water or any other liquid. Its anti-slip feature allows the individual to have a firm grip over the mouse while moving it over the mousepad.

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